The Purpose Driven Life - My Journey Day 22
수요일, 3월 15, 2006
Created to become like Christ - Purpose 03
This doesn't mean that we can be like God or become a god; this is about becoming Godly!
By this, is not transforming your personality, but your character.
We must let go of the old things.
We must change the way we think.
We must 'put on' the character of Christ by developing new, Godly habits.
Your character is essentially the sum of your habits; it is how you habitually act.
God is far more interested in what you are than in what you do.
2 Corinthians 3:18b; "As the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Him and reflect His glory even more."
Erwinator wrote at 9:22 오후
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