The Purpose Driven Life - My Journey Day 14
화요일, 3월 07, 2006
When God seems distant
"Any relationship involves times of closeness and times of distance, and in a relationship with God, no matter how intimate, the pendulum will swing from one side to the other." - Philip Yancey.
God admits that sometimes He hides His face from us.
"I go east, but He is not there. I go west, but I cannot find Him. I do not see Him in the north, for He is hidden. I turn to the south, but I cannot find Him. But He knows where I am going. And when He has tested me like gold in fire, he will pronounce me innocent."
When God seems to be distant, it is NOT because of our sins. Sins do not separate us from God!
It is simply a test of faith. Will you continue to love, trust, obey, and worship God, even when you have no sense of His presence or visible evidence of His work in your life?
The most common mistake Christian makes in worship today is seeking an experience rather than seeking God.
When you feel that God is distant; you need to:
TELL GOD HOW YOU FEEL - Pour out your heart to Him. This is also an act of Faith!
FOCUS ON WHO GOD IS - HIS UNCHANGING NATURE - "Never doubt in the dark what God told you in the light."
TRUST GOD TO KEEP HIS PROMISES - You need to trust Him and ignore your immediate human feelings.
REMEMBER WHAT GOD HAS ALREADY DONE FOR YOU - "Christ was without sin, but fir our sake God made Him share our sin in order that in union with Hm we might share the righteousness of God."
Jesus gave up everything so you could have everything. That 'alone' is worthy of your continual praise and thanks. Never again should you wonder what you have to be thankful for.
Hebrew 13:5; "For God has said, 'I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.' "
Erwinator wrote at 6:12 오후
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