The Purpose Driven Life - My Journey Day 17
금요일, 3월 10, 2006

A place to belong

We discover our role in life through our relationship with others.

You belong to God, therefore you must be His 'bride' [His church]. God created church for you, so that you can have;
  1. A purpose to live for
  2. People to live with
  3. Principles to live by
  4. Profession to live out
  5. Power to live on
Worshp helps you FOCUS on God.
Fellowship helps you FACE LIFE'S PROBLEMS.
Discipleship help you FORTIFY YOUR FAITH.
Ministry helps FIND YOUR TALENTS.

This means that you have to have a commitment; a commitment to God and to fellow Christians as well.

Romans 12:5; "In Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all others."

Erwinator wrote at 6:32 오후

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