The Purpose Driven Life - My Journey Day 21
화요일, 3월 14, 2006

Protecting your church

Nothing on earth is more valuable to God than His church. Therefore, if you are a part of a conggregation, it is your responsibility, too, to keep the family in harmony.
"Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."

We can do this by;

Focusing on our similiarities, not our differences.

Be realistic with your expectations.

Choose to encourage rather than criticize.

Refuse to listen to gossips.

Practice God's method for conflict resolution. [Private confrontation, brothers confrontation, church confrontation.]

Support your pastors and your leaders. [We protect the fellowship when we honour those woh serve us by leading.]

Romans 14:19; "Let us concentrate on the things which make for harmony and the growth of our fellowship together."

Erwinator wrote at 9:08 오후

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